06 Sep

How to Prove Causation in a Personal Injury Case

Causation is one of the most vital components of a personal injury case. Without causation, there is no case. And to win a personal injury case, there must be a connection between the damages and injuries that a victim has suffered and the alleged party at fault.

A jury may not award you the compensation that you require if you only prove the negligent actions of the other party. You need to link the accident with your injuries and to the other party’s negligence.

22 Aug

Why Are My Impairment Rating and Benefits So Low?

In Florida, when you get hurt on the job, you are entitled to two classes of benefits: medical and indemnity or lost wages. Medical treatment starts with the goal of treating the person until they reach a status called maximum medical improvement (MMI). After MMI, the goal is to provide palliative care or pain management. MMI also shifts an injured worker’s entitlement to indemnity benefits. After MMI, temporary wages are cut off. With the exception of rehabilitation temporary total benefits, only permanent indemnity benefits are available.

09 Nov

Dog Bites: Whose Fault Is It Anyway?

Sometimes, dogs bite. Whether it is a desire to protect, discomfort, confusion with a situation, or out of defense, dogs have a number of reasons for lashing out and biting. A dog bite can be painful and results in serious injuries for all ages. For most situations, a person who has suffered a dog bite is entitled to receive some sort of compensation for their injury from the bite. Dog bites can result in deep gashes, scars, and serious impairments such as broken bones or torn muscles.

In Florida, these painful injuries often are eligible for monetary compensation.