30 Apr

What’s the Benefit of a Free Consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer?

In personal injury law, a free consultation with a lawyer is more than just a gesture of goodwill; it's a fundamental aspect of the legal process that serves clients in numerous ways. But what is the point of a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer? Let's dive into the reasons behind this initial step toward seeking justice and compensation for injuries you’ve sustained in an accident.

08 Jan

5 Things Every Employee Should Know about Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is an insurance program that extends benefits to full-time workers who have been injured while on the job. It compensates them for medical expenses and wage loss while remaining out of work.

12 Aug

How Insurance Companies Deny Temporary Wage Benefits

Defense counsel routinely uses a number of defenses in order to deny paying temporary benefits to injured workers. These defenses assume your client has already met the threshold requirements for either Temporary Partial Disability (TPD) or Temporary Total Disability (TTD) i.e., restrictions from an authorized treating physician and not at Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI).

There are rare occasions when an injured worker is entitled to TTD but not receiving it while actively employed with the Employer and the Carrier has not asserted an affirmative defense to payment of TTD.

28 Jan

What Lost Wages Are Potentially Available to Injured Workers?

Injured workers in Florida are entitled to two different categories of lost wages: medical and indemnity. Strictly speaking, “lost wages” most often refers to indemnity benefits. These money benefits are provided to injured workers when they are no longer working due to their injury.